ATS – Kenworth W900L Big Bob Edition v 1.0 (1.29.X)

ATS Version: sTruck purchase gallery KenworthMy revision and correction by the default model SCS.– Eventually 3 types of cabin: default (Aerocab Sleeper 72 inch)with vents (Aerocab Sleeper 72 inch) and increased the factory (Studio Sleeper 86 inch).— Default bossalinie cab, and frame for them was removed.— 3 types of sleeping bag in intrieri corresponding to the cabs.– Changed the geometry of the opening front Windows, aligned to the external modelthe point of fixing of the canopy also meets the external model.— 3 frames (265 inches) and frame 4 (275 inches), with their tanks,one custom frame (295 inches).— Moved the saddle closer to the cab on all frames.— 2 entirely new bumper (20 inches).— 1 new V style visor (12-inch).– Added the CBS station (the author odd_fellow) in interior design, repurposed materials.– Added in salon 2 of the shift lever (author odd_fellow),one stock and the second long, with vozmozhnostyu tuning.— Reconfigured almost all materials and textures on the truck and in the interior.– Made a brighter red nameplate on the hood.— Reduce by 10 percent the size of the mirrors on the hood, I do not like these huge mugs.— The suspension made softer on all frames, now nice ride rocking more default very oak.— Reconfiguring the camera in the cabin, 67 fov and other settings turning the head.— Increased the range point settings of the camera, by default it was impossible closer to the dash to install the camera.— Replaced the default ugly model radio, model odd_fellow, set up the materials.— Reconfigured the glow of the instruments, on-Board computer postavil of fashion author Piva.– Added tuning “jar Pepsi..” from the pack SISL— Painted the engine CAT yellow, on the outside of the model.— Did the material of the headlights is separate from the Windows of the cabin.— Set up the reflection glass in the cabin and on the external model.


ATS – Kenworth W900L Big Bob Edition v 1.0 (1.29.X) Download Mod

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