Ponsse Buffalo Autoload Wood V1.1 FS22

Ponsse Buffalo Autoload Wood V1.1 mod for FS22.
This is set of two forestry forwarders (with and without loading crane). Both forwarders are equipmed with autoload wood function.
- Price: 225000 $/ 200000 $
- Power: 286 HP
- Max. speed: 23 km/h
- Wheels configurations
- Autoload script sort tree logs to the piles
- You can change number of logs piles from 1 to 2
- You can switch between piles manually
- You can show unload area to see where logs will be unloaded
- You can show load area to see current pile
- You can move, resize and rotate unload area
- Count and total mass of loaded logs are displayed in F1 menu
- All controls can be set in your controls settings
- You can enable / disable F1 help, it will be saved as global in xml config file
Loading variations: 1 pile 6m - 8m, 2 piles up to 3m
KEY_X - fold / unfold crane
KEY_B - start autoload
KEY_Y - start unload
KEY_O - change side (left / right)
KEY_KP_enter - change number of piles
KEY_KP_period - switch to next pile
KEY_lctrl KEY_KP_minus - shift unload position
KEY_lctrl KEY_KP_plus - resize unload position
KEY_KP_0 - rotate unload position
KEY_KP_multiply - show / hide load position (current pile)
KEY_KP_divide - show / hide unload position
KEY_lctrl KEY_t - show / hide F1 help controls (saved in xml config file)
Changelog 1.1:
- Removed collision above the vehicle
Credit(s):kenny456, Marhu
Ponsse Buffalo Autoload Wood V1.1 FS22 Download Mod
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