American Wilds – Introducing The Ford LTL9000
American Wilds is a new DLC coming to Spintires: MudRunner Fall, 2018! This large DLC will introduce brand new content to the game, including several new vehicles, two new maps and a whole new location – The United States of America!Today, we’re very excited to be talking to you about the Ford LTL9000Spintires: MudRunner – American Wilds releases on October 23rd on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and comes to Nintendo Switch on November 27th!Vehicle Description:A powerful road-hauler, the Ford LTL9000 is able to move loads like no vehicle before it. If you need to get your logs somewhere, and there’s a path to take it, the LTL9000 is a great truck for the job, both fast and dependable.Game Stats:With it’s huge 330L fuel tank, and able to take 600 points of damage, the LTL9000 is a truck to be reckoned with, and more than able to hold it’s own against other vehicles.Strengths:With a large add-on complement, the LTL9000 is a vehicle you’ll love to use moving large loads across long drives.Weaknesses:A heavy vehicle, the LTL9000 struggles off-road, especially with large loads. You’ll not be taking this one into the deep water.Attachments:Flatbed Semi-trailer: Can carry vehiclesFuel cistern – Contains 1400 liters of FuelFuel Semi-Trailer – Contains 4200 liters of FuelFuel Trailer – Contains 1800 liters of FuelLog Carriage – Can carry Short LogsLog Cart Hitch – Allows the attachment of a Long Log CartLong Log Cart – Can carry Long LogsMedium Log Trailer – Can carry Medium LogsTrailer Hitch – Players can attach trailers to their trucksUtility Attachment – Contains 600 Repair Points, and 2 Garage PointsUtility Semi-Trailer – Contains 1200 Repair Points, and 4 Garage PointsUtility Trailer – Contains 600 Repair Points, and 2 Garage Points
Credit(s):Spintires: MudRunner - American Wilds
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