ATS – International Lonestar Reworked Dx11 (1.35.x)

International Lonestar Reworked Dx11 mod for ATS1.35.x.
Fully standalone.Buy it at PETERBILT dealership.Adaptation to ATS 1.35.x game version.Totally reworked.Few corrections in 3D model.Added few accessories.Adjusted interior camera position.DLC cabin accessories & SiSL Megapack addon included.You need SiS’L megapack to have all the cabin accessories available.DX11 UPDATE:Fixed crash on DX11 mode.Fixed some textures.Lightened model, improved FPS.Improved Sunshield.Metallic colours & skins don't supported for the moment (gamelog errors & warnings).Updated wiper modes.

CyrusTheVirus, Juan Bautista Rosario Jr, DaD.

ATS – International Lonestar Reworked Dx11 (1.35.x) Download Mod

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1 Response

  1. Trucker Plague Dr. says:

    Thing has crashed and possibly killed a 50 million dollar + 5 Garages + 10 other truck profile. At possibly level 60. Now the worse is out of the way. The truck looks nice and is a cool thing to drive albeit the interior looks like they took a Peterbilt and put their logo’s all over the place. The ceiling ornaments don’t work though.

    I went into the main menu and it crashed. I couldn’t save it at all. However, I was glad when I unloaded the mod, things went back to being normal. Though, I’m saddened that I can’t do much more with this even though I had a nice drive with the truck from the dealer to the garage.

    Please fix this!!

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