ATS – Momo’s Physics v 6.2 Joypad/Keyboard (1.29.X)
ATS Version: 1.29.xThis version is the same as its previous 6.1 version, except 6.2 uses the game’s vanilla steering for joypad friendly purpose. Steering wheels can also be used with this version if you prefer the vanilla steering.** IMPORTANT: You need a separate air suspension seat mod to work with this mod, choose an air seat of your chioce from the links below:Required Mod – Air Ride A SeriesRequired Mod – Air Ride B SeriesABOUT THIS MOD:“Physics 6.2 Joypad” is a joypad friendly version of Physics 6.1. Because 6.1 is optimized for 900 degree steering wheels.FEATURES– Realistic cabin movement & wheel suspension.USER INSTRUCTIONS– 0% Trailer Stability– 100% Camera physics– Give this mod high priority. (Lower than my Air Ride mods)COMPATIBILITY– Patch 1.29 compatible– All SCS’s original trucks compatible (Kenworth, Peterbuilt)– Harven’s FLB 2.0.1 compatible– Odd Fellow’s FLD 1.5.5 compatible– More modded trucks coming in the future– Not compatible with other trucks (will not work correcrly)– Not compatible with imported trucks from ETS2
Credit(s):Momo, Yuna
ATS – Momo’s Physics v 6.2 Joypad/Keyboard (1.29.X) Download Mod
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