ATS Version: 1.30.xThis physics change the transmission feel and suspension.– V3.2: Updated for the V1.30 and some minor fixes.No video for this V3.2 updates, but sgo see the V3.1 video for more info. it’s pretty much the same thing as this update, just some fixes and little modification.– V3.3: Re done the physics from A to Z and use some of the number from the v2.3 of my mods.Recommended to use with those two stuff for better feeling with a transmission around 4 off Diff ratio.– Work with 4 trucks for now:Peterbilt 389 SCSPeterbilt 579 SCSKenworth W900 SCSKenworth T680 SCS
Credit(s):SCS, oXyDe DRIVERS
ATS – Truck Physics V3.3 for Manual (1.30.X) Download Mod
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