ETS 2 Version: 1.30.x
ATTENTION! You have the right not to use these mods and the delete them your out PC.
You can freely distribute these mods on your behalf.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 version 1.30.x
When creating this mod, were used parts of mods:
_ FRKN64 - roads textures
_ XEBEKzs - adviser
and other mods, authors I do not know
All in archiv - ETS2_combo-mod_ver.18.I.23.rar (~29mb)
This COMBO-MOD - MARSSS_ets2_ver.18.I.23.scs
contains changes for:
----- MARSSS ------
M - Mirror - (position and size)
A - Adviser - (position)
R - Roads - (textures)
S - Sound - (the sound refills, mesages ...)
S - Sleeping - (2h 30m time)
S - Steering - (turning radius)
From a combo-mod it is possible (excluding M - mirror) to delete not necessary to you:
A - adviser
R - roads
S - sound
S - sleeping
S - steering
_ _ _ MANUAL _ _ _
Just run CMD-file:
-- #_edit_combo-mod.cmd
and select unnecessary for delete (only for Win-x64, for Win-x32 - ???)
CMD-file will create a new mod, with the name of the type:
-- Edit_Mxxxxx_ets2_ver.18.I.23.scs
For work, the original mod:
-- MARSSS_ets2_ver.18.I.23.scs
is needed next to the CMD-file.
DOWNLOAD(Mirror Server #1)
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