ETS 2 – Scania R1000 Reworked Truck V5.0 (1.27.X)

ETS 2 Version: 1.27.xTruck purchase gallery ScaniaThis tool is well known to many of my friends and my favorite vehicles are in this new version, the latest version with the addition of some small accessories with added full dlc support already know people who know but do not use friends I would recommend you a very good quality tool modular pictures are their own game and everyone is good Games my language.Note: The interior of the vehicle is standard and not included in the interior of the pictures.Producer: Ts2mod, Daniel Rg, Dragjt, Christian Seuba, David B.L, Rombec1977, Indomable, Solaris36V-1.27.xAdaptation & Edit: MadYogi (HalilY.)

Ts2mod, Daniel Rg, Dragjt, Christian Seuba, David B.L, Rombec1977, Indomable, Solaris36 V-1.27.x ; Adaptation & Edit: MadYogi (HalilY.)

ETS 2 – Scania R1000 Reworked Truck V5.0 (1.27.X) Download Mod

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2 Responses

  1. Solid.H! says:

    so what is the password of .zip file???
    don’t you check the files that you’re uploading?

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