ETS2 – As Street Passable Exit (1.33.x)
As Street Passable Exit mod for ETS2 1.33.x.As Street passable exit for V. 1.33.XX by RockeropasiemprePROHIBITED TO RESUB THE MOD TO ANY SERVER WITHOUT PERMISSIONS.Update of mod.Street signs without exit, but in this mod, they are traspable, you can discover new areas of the maps without exploring.ATTENTION !! There are undiscovered areas that are totally transitable, but in other places the road is cut off and if you are not careful you can fall into emptiness.The street signs with no exit, of blue color are transferred, but the orange arrows that indicate that you can not continue for any exit of the highways, can not be crossed and have a collision, so watch out for the data. For more clarification see the video.Author: RockeropasiempreWeight of the file: 786 Kbregards
ETS2 – As Street Passable Exit (1.33.x) Download Mod
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