Fliegl Vfw 14000 V1.0 FS22
Fliegl VFW 14000 V1.0 mod for FS22.
Tandem liquid manure spreader. Ideal for tractors up to 150hp.
Fliegl VFW 14000
Spreader or Möscha Duo selectable
Metal or plastic fenders selectable
Tire choice Ascenso and BKT
Price: 49000
Power requirement: min. 130hp
!NO brochure realism!
! Slurry tank does NOT correspond 100% to the original model!
Credit(s):FS19: Plugz_LS, FS22: Edit by Herr Krupp und Butters, Reifen: RedCat3D, Felgen: Greenlandfarming
Fliegl Vfw 14000 V1.0 FS22 Download Mod
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