FS19 – All Productions For The Nf March 4-Fold V2.4

All Productions For The Nf March 4-Fold V2.4 mod for FS19.Version 2.4 distillery, carpenter and honeyNew production distillery with production of grain, fruit schnapps, vodka and whiskeyNew carpenter production with production of wooden barrel and beehiveNew production honeybees with production of honeySpace for carpenters has been set up on the sawmill siteApple, pears, cherries and plum plantations expanded to include beehive and honeyPrices for water purchases significantly reduced for all productionsLess texture fluctuations in the food warehouseMissing text in the English XML file “Schlachter Lamm” addedFixed a bug in the English XML file for the pear plantationFixed static manureHeap error on composterBrandy and honey built into the wholesale businessFixed incorrectly positioned pallets at the grain factoryDescription of the sawmill addedhere the important building, productions and objects for the North Frisian 4-fold Mod Map.The pack is required for the full functionality of the NF march map and Global Company must also be in the mod folder. All objects are season ready.Productions:SawmillDairyCement plantSugar factoryApple orchardPear plantationCherry plantationPlum plantationDiesel factoryFertilizer productionGravel worksPile of earthFermenterHay drying hallCompound feed productionLiquid fertilizer productionLime worksSewage treatment plantComposterTurnip chopperPellet factoryCrop protection productionSeed productionPig feed productionbreweryMaltingPulp / paper millPlaceable buildings / objects:Bale warehouse for strawBale warehouse for silageMultifruit yard siloLiquid storageWood direct salesthe other buildings to make moneyfurther description and many great photos will follow soon ..

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FS19 – All Productions For The Nf March 4-Fold V2.4 Download Mod

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