FS19 – Frogmore Map V1

Frogmore Map V1 mod for FS19.
Frogmore is based on a cotton plantation located in Frogmore, Louisiana. This is a BETA version. All functionality has been tested.Log: Standard bush01 warning in log and farmland pixel warning. With my eyes I am not going to chase down missing pixel. Not detriment to gameplay.Map has seasons mask installed.Map has missions. Never do missions but have tested the ones I installed and they work.All animals are located on main farm.2.5mil (250k per fruit) Silo installed at Main Farm. Multifruit3 Sellpoints for crops (CoOP, Big River and ConAgra)1 Sellpoint for milk/eggs (Bubba’s bakery)1 Sellpoint Cotton/Wool (Frogmore)BGAAnimal DealerSawmillLarge Forest area with several small forest around mapNice starting equipmentEtc…..Field Sizes:Field 1: 1.2 ha Default FarmField 2: 5.3 ha Default FarmField 3: 2.0 haField 4: 3.8 haField 5: 7.4 haField 6: 40.2 haField 7: 18.2 haField 8: 36.6 haField 9: 18.0 haField 10: 6.8 haField 11: 5.0 haField 12: 28.1 haField 13: 14.6 haField 14: 6.9 ha (grass) Default Farm


FS19 – Frogmore Map V1 Download Mod

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