Joko-Ps Custom Parts For Viper2S Peterbilt 389 ATS 1.39.x
Joko-Ps Custom Parts For Viper2S Peterbilt 389 mod for ATS 1.39.x.
Hello everyone! Today I wanna share you one of the first mods that I've made.
This mod adds:
- 1 Custom Rear Bumper that has more slots than the default Custom Rear Plate. Basically, it's just like Custom Rear Plate with 5 additional slots on each left and right side.
- 3 Combo Rear Lights (Combo Right, Combo Left, and Combo Reverse) that can be fitted into this bumper.
- A pair Exclusive Combo Rear Lights with sequential turning light
This mod is potato-pc friendly. Even tho the LED of the parking and brake lights look so many, only one of them actually emits lights! The rest is just a flare. Also, in order to use this mod, you need to use Viper2's Peterbilt 389 too
Joko-Ps Custom Parts For Viper2S Peterbilt 389 ATS 1.39.x Download Mod
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