New Holland T7 2011 V1.0 FS22
New Holland T7 2011 V1.0 mod for FS22.
Price: 100.000 €
Power: 171-212 hp
maximum speed: 43 or 53 km / h
- models:
T7.170 - 171 hp
T7.185 - 188 hp
T7.200 - 203 hp
T7.210 - 212 hp
- wheels:
- configuration of warning lights
- configuration of the front loader console
- front fender configuration
This tractor is prepared to open the doors and rear window with the mouse.
- Added custom sounds
-Added simple ic
- Sunroof can be opend with simple ic
- Made grill black
- New improved model
- Configs for cbs
- Configs for mirror guards
- Configs for window and dealer stickers
- Configs Uk flag or fairly lights on roof
- Added rite weight block for front of tractor
- added configs for range command or autocommand (Depends what gearbox you put in it)
- configs for phone
-configs for gps screen
- added airfreshinger
Credit(s):Daniel2850KryptoDB MODDING
New Holland T7 2011 V1.0 FS22 Download Mod
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