Scania 2016 S & R Custom Dashboards V1.9 ETS2 1.44
Scania 2016 S & R Custom Dashboards V1.9 mod for ETS2 1.44.
Changelog 1.9:
Added time to rest and estimated time to arrival on the last screen
Replaced the "piva" font that was no longer compatible with 1.44
Custom dashboard for the Scania R & S of 2016. Re-arranged elements to have more information at a glance. Larger font sizes make it easier to read. Also has steering animation.
This was originally the work of @piva and the help of @AlexeyP . This mod has been cancelled by @piva and I'm taking over with his permission.
Scania 2016 S & R Custom Dashboards V1.9 ETS2 1.44 Download Mod
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