SnowRunner – New Missions
Lets gather here info about new mission/cargo types. Since official description we wont get this year i believe…
I propose to put here only confirmed, seen, or witnessed info. Suggestions to be discussed in other topics.
- LOGS: I hope it will stay))
- Wooden “CARGOCRATES”, middle and big size.
- Tubes: one huge long (screen with new 8×8), many big long (see above, with yellow Fred), many small short on pallete (orange oshkosh)
- Concrete plates (for bridge repair, screen with 6×6 on snow mountain)
- People (?) Screen with red bus(?)
- Barrels in palletes “CARGOBARRELS” (blue barrels on earlier pic with 8×8 )
(mission can include several steps/cargo types, as we saw on earlier pic with 8×8. Like:
“Place cargo in zone: Farm
Cargobarrels: 0/2
Cargocrates: 0/2”
Trucks have cargo capacity, shown in left upper corner)
- load and delivers logs
- load and deliver crates/barrels
- deliver tubes (with loading?)
(Im ok even to unload huge tubes and big crates) - NOT confirmed: deliver personnel, to start operations on some facilities (garages and limber mill, kiosks too, why not). And to expand operations of already working facilities(?)
- repair the bridges, by delivering concrete plates.
Maybe other sub-missions: personel, other goods/equpment required?
As for establishing garages and vehicles repairs – i hope current procedures will be deeply and hardcore modified, we wait for news…
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