SnowRunner – Translation Fix V1.2

Translation Fix V1.2 mod for SnowRunner.As a lot of people, I just got SnowRunner and I’m having a very great time with it but I can’t but see the little translation errors here and there and feel the need to fix them. (and yes, “Metal Planks” really hurt me).So here is a first mod, more like a proof of concept, changing a few translations in game both for english and french languages.English changes :– Changed “Fuel” by “Barrels” for generic barrels– Changed “Metal Planks” by “Steel Beams”– Changed “Consumables” by “Food Crate” for farm products– Fixed Khan 39 rear bumper from “Hunte” to “Hunter” *new in 1.2*Changements en français :– Remplacement de “Carburant” par “Barils” pour les barils génériques– Remplacement de “Blocs de béton” par “Parpaings”– Remplacement de “Consommables” par “Nourriture” + modification de la description– Remplacement de “Planches de métal” par “Poutrelles métalliques”– Remplacement de “Cargaison surdimensionnée” par “Transport Exceptionnel”– Remplacement de “Module châssis pour van” par “Module de châssis Kung” *new in 1.2*– Remplacement de “QUITTER GARAGE” par “SORTIR DU GARAGE” *new in 1.2*– Remplacement de “Entrée de garage” par “Garage” *new in 1.2*– Remplacement de toutes les mentions “Usines à bois” par “Scierie” *new in 1.2*– Remplacement de toutes les mentions “Camionage” par “Transport routier” *new in 1.2*PS : This mod is not a vehicle, so don’t subscribe to it. Just download it clicking on its size on top of the description.Installation notes are provided inside the .zip file. Nothing complex, only a few steps. Note that WinRar is required.Compatibility :– This mod changes the initial.cache_block inside initial.pak file. Any mod modifying this whole .pak or just this individual sub file could conflict with this mod.


SnowRunner – Translation Fix V1.2 Download Mod

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